Microgreens Corner

Dill (Anethum graveolens)

Dill microgreens are aromatic and add a great taste to fish, eggs, potato salads, soup, and seafood dishes. These mildly but sweet flavored microgreens...

Onion (Allium cepa)

Growing onion microgreens is a new way to enjoy this savory and onion flavor! What is even better is that onion microgreens will not...

Are Microgreen Seeds Different from Regular Seeds?

If you are interested in growing a sustainable crop of microgreens, you may be wondering what the best seeds are to begin the process....

Radish China Rose (Raphanus sativus)

It is as beautiful as its name. The Radish China Rose with its pink stem brings not only amazing color to a dish but...

Can You Eat Microgreens As A Salad?

Can you eat microgreens as a salad? While microgreens seem to be a rave now because of how easy and quickly they grow, it's...

Red Veined Sorrel (Rumex sanguineus)

The Red Veined Sorrel is also called Blood Sorrel and it's easy to understand why. This beautiful microgreen with its bright-green leaves and vivid...

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Hi, we are Janette and Jesper and we love growing microgreens. On this site you can follow our microgreen journey! Read more

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